The Prouvé-Novarina pump room, named after its two designers, has been listed as a historical monument since May 2013, in total, excluding the extension made in 1983-1984. Building symbol of the cities of waters, this pump room dates back from 1956/1957. It was built in the heart of the new spa park. The architect in charge of the project is Maurice Novarina, but his design is very strongly marked by the architectural thought of the builder, Jean Prouvé. The metal support structure allows to release large glazed facades. The architecture opens onto the surrounding nature and lean the view towards Lake Geneva.
The pump room arouses great interest as soon as it is completed and then appears in all architectural journals.
It still belongs to the company operating the waters of Evian, but its function of water distribution is no longer assured.
The Farquenoud pump room is located in Publier. Beatrice BOUVET-SASSONE created the white arcades overlooking the fountain. They are decorated with signs of the zodiac. The Souriane source supplies with Evian quality mineral water.