Setteled in the 16th century castle, in the heart of the historic village, the museum presents mainly objects and documents about small boats of transport called "cochères", and the former boats transporting heavy raw material with large and beautiful triangular sails, symbols of Lake Geneva heritage. The museum also broaches the life and activities of the human community of the village at the time of the boats: crafts, exploitation of the chestnut and forests, transport of wood... A room is dedicated to the steam boats of Lake Geneva.
Saint-Gingolph PromotionOPENING HOURS
• In June and September: every Saturday and Sunday, from 10am to 5pm. • From July 1st to August 31st: every day from 10am to 5pm. • Booking for groups all year round.
Adult: 6 CHF / 6 €. Child up to 16 years old: Free.
All year round: guided tours for groups by appointment.
Musée des Traditions et des Barques du Léman Le Château, Case postale 62, CH-1898 Saint-Gingolph Tel. +41 (0)24 481 82 11 / Web site